Places More MYSTERIOUS Than The Bermuda Triangle

Places More MYSTERIOUS Than The Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle, or the Devil’s Triangle as some call it, is known for mysterious disappearances, bizarre paranormal activities, and visions of extraterrestrial beings. Some believe there is a wormhole, or interdimensional gateway, or some type of strange vortex here; while others scoff saying this is a manufactured mystery used to sell tabloids. However, for you fans of the eerie, creepy, and curious, here are a few places said to be just as peculiar, if not even weirder, than this region of the North Atlantic Ocean which connects Florida, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico.

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3 - Bennington Triangle This triangular area of unusual activities can be located in southwestern Vermont, northeast of Bennington, this backcountry covers roughly 36 square miles of wilderness, mainly the Green Mountain National Forest and Glastenbury Mountain. Many people have mysteriously disappeared here, UFOs and big feet have been seen, Native Americans say this place is cursed, and some say a Native American burial ground whispered to exist beneath the Earth in this place is to blame. Hunters who venture into these woods warn that the winds here are disorienting, and it's very easy to get lost. One legend tells of an enchanted stone buried somewhere within these mountains, it is believed to open up and swallow a human being in seconds if stepped on. Rainstorms are said to appear here in mere moments, pounding down with massive force and streaks of lightning, but then vanishing just as quickly. A strange creature dubbed the Bennington Monster is warned to thrive in these haunted woods. Disappearances include Middie Rivers, Paula Welden, Paul Jephson, James E Tedford, and Carl Herrick, who all vanished without a trace here. Frieda Langer also disappeared here, but her body was discovered seven months later, but due to the condition of her body, no cause of death could be determined. And Carl Herrick was another disappearance case whose body turned up a few days later, he was found to have had the life squeezed out of him, his lung was found to be punctured by his own ribs.

2 - Superstition Mountains This range of mountains found in Arizona, just east of Phoenix, are known as the superstitions from the many legends and lore which surround this place. One legend from the late 1800s tells of a German immigrant named Jacob Waltz who discovered a gold mine overflowing with the yellow rocks, yet kept its location a closely guarded secret until his deathbed. When only moments away from death, the gold miner whispered the location of his infamous gold mine to Julia Thomas. Julia was a boarding-house owner who has taken care of Jacob for many years, as he had contracted a mysterious illness not long after finding the gold mine buried deep within the superstition mountains. Julia and many men from nearby villages went in search of the gold, but nearly all lost their lives to the wilderness of the mysterious mountain range. Some say that their restless spirits remain trapped here, still searching for the wealth whispered to reside inside, haunting any who dare to venture into their mists. A Native American legend states that the treasures of the mountains are guarded by creatures called Tuar-Tums, or little people, who are rumoured to dwell below the mountains in caves and tunnels. Some Apaches believe that the entrance to Hell is located in these mountains, and winds blowing from this hole are said to be the cause of severe dust storms which occasionally plague Phoenix.

1 - South Atlantic Anomaly Otherwise known as the Bermuda Triangle of Space, is one of the most dangerous areas of radiation ever encountered. This region is over South America and the South Atlantic Ocean at around thirty degrees West and thirty degrees South. This is the point where rings of charged particles which surround Earth, the Van Allen radiation belts, come closest to the planet's surface, dipping down to an altitude of 200 kilometres. These Van Allen radiation belts are responsible for trapping radioactive particles near the coast of Brazil, which is theorized to create this bizarre phenomenon. Others say this bizarre effect exists due to weak points in the planet's magnetic field, with one of these weak points sitting right where this anomaly is located. Even a few moments of this energized radiation can wreak havoc on computers and scientific instruments, it is said to be too weak to affect human beings, but some astronauts disagree. For example, satellites passing through this strange area will get pummeled by protons and cause all kinds of data glitches, as well as electronic damage. The Hubble Space Telescope is programmed to switch off as they fly through this area, air crafts do not fly near this place, NASA satellites go into SAFE mode, and some blame many planes which have mysteriously crashed or even disappeared on this strange highly energized location.

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